A Legacy of Adventure and Vitality

The Gilbert family’s roots in Yakima begin in 1897, when Horace Mark “H. M.” and Marion Gilbert—adventurers, doers, and visionaries—move with their children from Illinois to Washington State. Marion leaves behind a teaching post to build a Victorian-style home in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest. H. M. leaves a career in corn farming and hog ranching to try his hand at fruit growing….

Our family has been growing fruit in Central Washington State for over a century

The Gilbert family’s roots in Yakima begin in 1897, when Horace Mark “H. M.” and Marion Gilbert—adventurers, doers, and visionaries—move with their children from Illinois to Washington State. Marion leaves behind a teaching post to build a Victorian-style home in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest. H. M. leaves a career in corn farming and hog ranching to try his hand at fruit growing….

We are passionate about growing premium quality wine grapes

Wahluke Slope, Horse Heaven Hills & Yakima Valley AVA’s

These unique terroirs combined with our experienced farming practices produce fruit with great potential. We appreciate the fertile abundance of this special part of the world and work to maintain a very high standard of quality for judicious vintners.
